Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What are the root causes of terroism in India and how can we control it?

Root causes of terroism %26amp;its solutionWhat are the root causes of terroism in India and how can we control it?
The answer lies in the systematic brainwashing that Muslims are subjected to since birth. The majority of the Non-Islamic world has deluded itself into believing that the principles of Islam are tolerant in nature. This misconception is heightened when people think that the fault lies with only a handful of misguided Muslims who are not adhering to Islamic principles and hence indulge in terrorism. It is time for the entire world to realise that Islam by its very nature and through its essential principles openly supports, encourages and propogates Terrorism of the worst kind. Therefore the Islamic terrorist is in fact the most devout Muslim, because he is following exactly what Islam teaches through the Divine Koran. It is this very Koran which is considered by Muslims to be the holy word of their Allah himself. The Koran functions as the central terrorist manual that urges them to slaughter, rape, torture,pillage, mutilate and molest all Non-Muslims.

The Muslim is exhorted by their GOD to kill, mutilate, molest, rape and steal. This repetitive conditioning of the mind is performed by indoctrinating the Koranic Surahs in every Muslim child at Madarsas (Islamic schools). The Muslim child daily memorizes the Koranic Surahs which exhort him/her to murder, violence, hatred and crime against every Non-Muslim. The Muslim child learns to hate Non-Muslims, before he loses his first tooth. The doctrines that are forced down his throat are so deeply embedded in the child's mind, that he cannot view the world in any other perspective except as a composition of Muslims and Kafirs (Infidel). It is also made clear to the child that ALL Kafirs (Non-Muslims) are evil by their very nature and that it is every Muslim's moral and religious duty to either convert all the Kafirs to Islam by force or Kill each and every one of them.

The fault also lies with the spineless cong led govt of Bharat who only think of there vote banks and will not carry out the sentences handed down to these killar jehadi terrorist so as not to upset the muslim population.These days celebrity muslims,imams, moral less politicians and media are openly supporting these jehadis who as it is have the logistic and financial support of the local muslim population and also of the pakistani ISI What are the root causes of terroism in India and how can we control it?
How to avoid ';terrorism'; in India (or are we just talking about social uprising?)?

1. Better distribution of wealth and opportunity

2. Caring that most of the population is desperately struggling on less than $1 a day while a small minority is becoming incredibly wealthy

3. Not throwing farmers off their land to convert it into ';Special Economic Zones';

4. Exposing corrupt government officials

5. Abolishing the caste system

6. Providing public toilets and sanitation/waste collection

...all might help stop India from descending into civil war. But of course, it is easier to call people ';terrorists'; than to admit that many people behaving like this in India are just desperate, ignored citizens trying to get injustice noticed and get some basic rights. They're not all Muslims...
this is a popular question already asked by Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam in yahoo answers.

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Indians are not encouraged by there religious leaders to fight with any problem Actually Indians are taught to be tolerant to any problem so the problem keeps on increasing............Now this Islamic terrorism problem is increasing day by day and Indians are tolerating this problem rather then fighting against this problem So one day will come that this Islamic terrorism will destroy whole India like hell
Muslims have been a problem in that region for a long time, but things are getting better with the improved relationship between India and Pakistan.

Notice you never see any evidences of terrorism in western China where Muslim is very present.
Terrorism by it's nature resists control, so therefore you cannot control it.

Which is why this entire ';War on terror'; is a total and utter waste of time and good soldiers.
Islamic culture

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