Friday, January 22, 2010

I have a chronic tic in my eyelid. Any way to control it?

Since about the beginning of the year I have had a tic in my left eyelid, near the inner corner. It 'tics' for most of the day while I'm at work and to a much lesser extent when I'm at home too. Although I suspect that it is a result of stress, the tics don't appear to correspond to stressful times at work, it's just continual from when I get in to work in the morning and it peters out in the evening. My work is not particularly stressful (I work on an Enquiry Desk) but my personal life has been stressful since last august when I started to get a chronic pain condition.

Is the tic a bad sign of how well I'm coping?

Is there anything I can do anything to minimise it, as I feel quite self-conscious when it's tic-ing away and I'm trying to explain something to someone.I have a chronic tic in my eyelid. Any way to control it?
I think you had better investigate the stress level that your job is causing you ... sometimes we say that we are alright because we are accustomed to pain... and then when the cause is no longer there, we finally realize how much pain we were suffering ...

I think your tic is from tension ... and more sleep might help ... and also do not deny that being on call for people of all different kinds really is stressful ... you have to stay on your toes and keep your wits about you, isn't that so?

In fact, I think you are being too patient for the good of your overall health ... stress that = pain since last August, and a tic in the corner of your eye since January .... aaaargles!

Check it out with your doctor ... it can come from a variety of not very serious problems that can easily be addressed, either physically or psychologically. And maybe you could have your eyes checked. Or do you hate fluorescent lighting .....??

On the psychological level, from a yearning for apples to a neglected need to start a vacation fund, buried wishes for a pair of hip boots and a fishing rod, or a repressed desire to tell your best friend to take a walk the next time he / she feels like telling you your cookies need salt ...grrrrr! (but don't say so ... it might do damage ... but just to know that is what you are feeling is important ... )

I do not like to suggest it because people bridle at the suggestion, but it might be nice to get some short-term psychotherapy if you can afford it. It really is nice. All sorts of things keep bubbling up. When you burst the bubbles and solve problems they represent, it really is a relief, more so than people think ... we all need someone to talk with and if neither of your grannies is available for a short chat, professionals always are there for you. I am not suggesting you download a whole pile of troubles on his / her lap, but it is nice to get something only hurts a little, and if it hurts at all, be sure the next appointment does not hurt; that is part of the therapy. The last time I consulted with my shrink, I was determined not to let him make me say anything problematical, just to stick to the positive, and it really worked. I was very happy, because I have a problem with over-compliance.

If you do decide to find a shrink, make SURE you like the person, that you feel resonances that something good will transpire, and that the person is easy-going and personable ... has good manners, etc... won't high-hat you or be unbending or critical of you ...

Whatever you decide to do, feel better soon, y'hear??

Peace %26amp; LoveI have a chronic tic in my eyelid. Any way to control it?
Sorry to her that. I used to have one many years ago, and yes they are ******** annoying! I could never link it to anything in particular, (stress, tiredness, etc.), but after several years I realised that I wasn't getting them any more.

See a doctor if you're worried, but it probably isn't serious.

Stay good.
I used to get it quite a bit, my doctor said it was triedness and stress, but i wasn't really tired and definately not stressed, but anyway it went away after a few months, even though its annoying you shouldn't worry but if it gets to be a real annoyance to you, go to the doctor to put your mind at ease.
Weird...I can only suggest you get more rest. I get a tic (sometimes in my eye, sometimes in my eyebrow, sometimes in my lip...) whenever I am overtired and haven't been sleeping well. I don't typically tell anyone to take sleep aids, but I recommend Tylenol PM if you have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep at night. I am fine once I'm asleep, but for me getting to sleep is the problem and 1 Tylenol PM helps me over that hurdle so I get better rest.

If that doesn't help, I suggest seeing your doctor since it has been going on for so long.
I had the same problem last year. My Dr said it was due to tiredness. Tiredness always shows in the eye muscles first, they're quite sensitive. I was stressed at the time over a few things, nothing major though. Anyway, I hadn't realised it but I wasn't having quality sleep and I actually was quite exhausted. I decided to take things easy and started to take care of myself more. I went to bed early, just before bed, I would have a nice bath with the lights off and candles on. I would also put lavender oil in the bath. Then I'd go to bed after having a glass of warm milk. I also got myself a relaxation CD (It was one with Dr Hilary talking on it) and it was amazing the difference in my sleep. After a short time the tic went. If I get it now I treat it as a warning sign and immediately take a look at how I've been looking after myself.

NB* you should also rest your eyes several times each day, especially if you use a computer a lot. Even if it's just for a minute or two. Just shut them and shut off :) If it's difficult to do at work, then maybe you could do it when you pop to the loo?!
i can only suggest the doctor should have a look at this//and yes stress can cause this as it is a nerve problem

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