Sunday, January 24, 2010

I brush my bull mastiff every day yet she still shed's like crazy everyday. How can i control it?

I feel your pain. I have 2 neo mastiffs- the hair is enough to make me want to cry sometimes. Bathe and brush-bathe and brush. My older male LOVES to be vacumed. He follows me around the house till I vacume him. I have heard of these new ';vacume'; type cleaners for dogs-that somehow really get to the undercoat and my sister told me her neighbors dog (Shamus-the St. Bernard) looks like a different dog after being done. Now that's great if your dog is not afraid like my other one is. She see's the vacume and runs the other way. I got into the routine- EVERYDAY...sweep/vacume/just surrender to it. Or it will drive you nuts. I mean, aren't they totally worth it??? : )I brush my bull mastiff every day yet she still shed's like crazy everyday. How can i control it?
well what brush are you using? i have a labrador retrever and she sheds alot in the summer from all her winter coat and i found out that if you brush your dog with like a hair comb or like a flee comb it gets alot of the hair OFF your dog. yes she will still shed but when your dog goes to ich her side or something, if you brush her with a small toothed hair comb or like a flee comb it gets alot off her and less hair will come off her. see what happens is when you brush her with a dog brush that looks like a human hair brush, that just makes your dog looked...well....brushes, but when you brush her with one of the combs i said it will get the fur closest to her skin which help. she will just scrach off the hair she scraches off insted of the hair she scraches off AND the hair that just fell off with out ever coming off her

hop that helpsI brush my bull mastiff every day yet she still shed's like crazy everyday. How can i control it?
its the season for dogs like mastiffs! shedding season!

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