suck it up.I get emotional very soon... even for silly things, i start crying and just cant control it.. What can i do ?
this is normal. im like this too.
i just talk to people. and tell them my problems.
just talk to someone your super close with.
or cuddle with a pet. or listen to music.
this site may help im not sure.鈥?/a>
I think the best way is do find somebody to talk to. Maybe you can identify the cause? Is it triggered by past events or something else?
But I believe you might need to just learn to deal with things people say. Some people do not really meant the harsh words they say, in this case then a chat with them might solve it. Other are just insecure *** who needs to hurt people to feel in control, so for these people you can just ask them to shove their words back up where they came from.
Some people are naturally emotional. But if it bothers you or disrupts your life, you should see a therapist. You don't need to improve your personality. You just may need help. Sitting alone and trying to discover what these outbursts are telling you may help as well. Something you definitely shouldn't do is ';suck it up....';
How can someone hurt you with words unless you let them ? You are in control of your feelings and your life. Your question should be, ';Why do I let so many people control my life ?'; Crying in itself is neutral - neither good nor bad. But if by doing it, you end up feeling bad then some changes have to be made.
People have the right to say what's on their minds. You can't control or change that. When someone says something that is not particularly gratifying, look them in the eye and say, ';You can't possibly mean that';. And if they persist, say, ';To a person as wonderful as me?'; This is called disarming. Most humans do not have a lot of experience dealing with statements like that. The reason for that is there are so many folks out there who are willing to accept their crap. Don't you be one. Ever again. Then all you'll do is cry for joy.
No, there are websites for overcoming a fragile personality, but you can take steps for improvement by standing up for yourself.
See a doctor you might be depressed. Depression is serious
but, it's nothing to be ashamed of.
talk to ur friends,,parents,,or ur patner..mayb u just have alot of bundled up feelings u need to let out.
website is in your brain,be confident of wat u say and do,if u say smthin bad to smbdy then he mite have provoked u to say so,dont b guilty,b positive .u will b on top of all these things. god bless
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