Friday, May 14, 2010

Why can I not see past my own failures, I allow my past to inhibit my life and to a sense control it?

Why would I allow myself to be fooled? Or allow myself to be controlled by this destructive way of life?Why can I not see past my own failures, I allow my past to inhibit my life and to a sense control it?
Well once you are in a pattern of self-destruction its easy to keep that pattern. I suppose so you don't have to deal with those bad feelings. It seems in my own life it has been one way to cope, by putting off the inevitable. Which is getting yourself to learn new ways of living life. I am having this problem myself. I just know I have to change my life, the present and future. There is NOTHING anyone can do about past mistakes. Which of course causes continual frustration, because it is human to want things to be perfect. (Do good deeds, help others?) We are only making our futures worse, if we don't cope now, and make changes now. You have to want the change. You have to stop abusing yourself, in order to help yourself. I just know now that I have reached a point in my life, where, enough is enough. Its not going to be easy, but, I NEED to do things differently in order to feel better about myself. I imagine you do to. Don't wait another day, help yourself.

Take care!Why can I not see past my own failures, I allow my past to inhibit my life and to a sense control it?
Failure is hard to forget. Keep trying. It's all you can do.
THere must be something about your personality that you are not paying attention to that leads you to a certain lifestyle. I noticed that there is a big difference between having good intentions and actually doing them. Sometimes we have good intentions but our personality is not the type to follow through so you need to give yourself a realistic view of who you truly are and like that you will see what your shortcomings are. It can be hard to do it but be holistic and focus on yourself this will lead to a better understanding of who you are and a better lifesty e too. But don't be too critical see your possibilities, do your best and be happy.

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